Kobi has expressed to his family and friends that he wants to become an Anesthesiologist, BioTech Engineer, and/or a football player when he is older. As a result, on July 28, 2016, we, at Ties That Make A Difference, arranged for Kobi to speak with Dr. Derrick J. Beech, Senior Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs and Professor of Surgery, at Morehouse School of Medicine. Dr. Beech spoke to Kobi about the necessary requirements of becoming a successful doctor, the various fields in which a doctor could specialize, including Anesthesiology, the day and life of a surgeon, etc.
We are also trying to arrange for Kobi to speak with a BioTech Engineer and a professional football player and/or coach.
Below are some pictures of Kobi's meeting with Dr. Beech at Morehouse School of Medicine.