Taylor is a high school student whose passions include track, cheerleading, and saving animals.
Ever since Taylor was two years old, she has loved animals. Taylor has taken the lead from her mother, who is a dog lover, and has become very passionate about dogs and other animals. When her mother brought home a dog, which they named Hershey, her love for animals grew exponentially. Along with her love, Taylor's passion to make sure all animals are safe has also grown. As a result, Taylor has dedicated her life to helping to make sure all animals are safe and treated fairly. She has decided to raise money and donate 100% of the proceeds to animal shelters, animal clinics, etc.
Below are some pictures of Taylor's Hike-A-Thon, which she co-sponsored with her brother Dylan. Below the pictures are the recipients of Taylor's giving, including the date, location, and donation amount.
Click the donate button, at the bottom of the page, to donate to Taylor's cause.